2010.10-2014.3 日本北海道大学,博士研究生(机械宇宙工程)
2007.9-2010.7 中国科学院广州能源研究所,硕士研究生(热能工程)
2003.9-2007.6 山东科技大学,本科(热能与动力工程)
2017.6-2022.10 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所,副研究员
2014.4-2017.5 日本丰桥技术科学大学,博士后
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[1] Zhu S, Xu Q, Tang R, Gao J*, Wang Z*, Pan J, Zhang D. A comparative study of oxidation of pure ammonia and ammonia/dimethyl ether mixtures in a jet-stirred reactor using SVUV-PIMS. Combustion and Flame 2023;250:112643.
[2] Zhou S, Qi X, Gao J*, Huang X, Zhang D. Countercurrent Flame Propagation and Quenching Behaviour in a Packed Bed of Spherical PMMA Beads in an Upward Flow of Pure Oxygen. Combustion Science and Technology 2022;0:1–16.
[3] Zhou S, Gao J*, Wu J, Zhang D. Countercurrent flame propagation inside vertical PMMA cylinders against pure oxygen flow. Combustion and Flame 2022;246:112396.
[4] Qi X, Zhou S, Gao J*, Zhu M, Zhang Z, Zhang D. Counter-current flame propagation in a cylindrical bed of activated carbon saturated with artificial volatile matter in an upward flow of O2/N2 mixture. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2021;38:4251–9.
[5] Gao J*, Qi X, Zhang D, Matsuoka T, Nakamura Y. Propagation of glowing combustion front in a packed bed of activated carbon particles and the role of CO oxidation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2021;38:5023–32.
[6] Huang X*, Gao J*. A review of near-limit opposed fire spread. Fire Safety Journal 2021;120:103141. (Editor-in-Chief’s Featured Article)
[7] Nakamura Y*, Gao J, Matsuoka T. Progress in small-scale combustion. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology 2017;12:JTST0001–JTST0001.
[8] Gao J, Hossain A, Nakamura Y*. Flame base structures of micro-jet hydrogen/methane diffusion flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2017;36:4209–16.
[9] Gao J, Hossain A, Matsuoka T, Nakamura Y*. A numerical study on heat-recirculation assisted combustion for small scale jet diffusion flames at near-extinction condition. Combustion and Flame 2017;178:182–94.
[10] Gao J, Nakamura Y*. Low-temperature ignition of dimethyl ether: transition from cool flame to hot flame promoted by decomposition of HPMF (HO2CH2OCHO). Combustion and Flame 2016;165:68–82.
E-mail: gaojian@sztu.edu.cn